Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sundance Film Festival

After arriving at Devil's Tower around 1am, we were weary and poached the camping fee.  No one at the booth?  Not my fault.

(we did pay the next morning)

Jason was jealous of the climbers who were scaling the massive rock, and went as far up as he could go without climbing gear.  I sat at the base and was the photographer for the Family Vacation Photo Op Enthusiasts.  After a while I became bored and to keep myself company, I decided to take the photography very seriously and would place the families in aesthetically pleasing arrangements, and photograph them from the ground and from other extreme angles.  But I have no experience in photography, so I was mostly ruining their vacation photos.

An hour later Jason came back down the mountain and said "Sundance is down the road! Let's stop there for breakfast! Ready to meet some famous people??"

Oh, how excited I was!

Breakfast with Sean Penn, perhaps?? YES PLEASE!

Sundance, Wyoming has a population of about 1,000 people.  There is a gas station, a lot of empty cinder block buildings, rickety houses, and a lot of open space.

Not only are there no famous people there, but there is also no where to have breakfast.

Sundance, WY, though it shares a name with the film festival, is not the location of the Sundance Film Festival.

We continued down the road for a while (I believe I drove this stretch, which was probably a mistake as it was nearing noon and I'd not yet eaten), until we reached Deadwood, SD.  We ate waffle sandwiches with no one famous.